Light Goes Off

Light goes off in the third world county but electricity cut off has some benefits .I usually enjoy without electricity because noise also goes off with electricity and I get time to enjoy peace and calmness . I mostly sit down in the corner of my room to spend time with myself my own poor soul which miss my monologues. I share my woes and worries with soul she replies and help me to find solutions of the emerging problems . We spend entire time together to resolve internal and external conflicts in the end heart mostly wins . Actually I think to keep heart and life going its important to listen to heart too. Though mind is more powerful than heart but I think I am more emotional than practical. People usually didn’t like an idea of load shedding but I enjoy because guys sit out side on streets to indulge in hot discussions which effectively kills their time and give them an opportunity to socialize. Well last but not least people should look at the both sides of the coin, tarnished side teaches us to be strong and smooth brings pleasure and peace to keep life going. Image

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